Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's Snowing???

It's May 1st and it's also SNOWING! What! Where is Springtime? We have had the most bizare weather this Spring. It's nice and in the 60's one day and the very next day it's in the 30's and snowing!! Ahhh!! I am really longing for consistently nice weather and somewhat of a Springtime. I just don't know what to make of it all...hummmm!

On another note, yesterday my mom, sisters, kids, and I and Mandi and her mom all got together for dinner at Mimi's Cafe. It was a really nice evening with good food and conversation. It was great to see Mandi and her mom -Carol. After dinner, we headed over to Baskin Robbins for $.031 ice cream scoop celebration/anniverary. It was delicious! What a fun night with the all the girls and baby george!